Wander Over Yonder Wiki
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Since the series Wander Over Yonder has finally reached overseas, it has been gaining popularity around the world as well as in its country of origin. It has dubs worldwide. The show airs worldwide on Disney Channel and Disney XD.



In Canada, the series first aired The Picnic as a preview on Family Channel on August 16, 2013. It officially premiered on October 13, 2013. It eventually started airing on Disney XD, where new episodes first air.[1]

Latin America[]

In Latin America, the series is titled "Galaxia Wander" (Galaxy Wander). In Brazil, it is titled "Galáxia Wander" (Galaxy Wander). Both regions aired "The Picnic" on December 31, 2013 as a "VIP preview" on Disney Channel.[2] It premiered on Disney XD on February 8, 2014.[3] The first 14 episodes aired on weekends, but from episode 15 they air on Fridays. 



In Japan, the series is titled "なんだかんだワンダー" Nandakanda Wandā (Somehow, Wander) and first aired on Disney Channel on January 25, 2014. The character names are left the same but transliterated into Japanese with the use of katakana, indicating the use of words from foreign languages (in this case, English). Wander is called ワンダー Wandā, Sylvia is called シルヴィア Shiruvia, Lord Hater is called ヘイター卿 Heitā kyō (meaning Lord Hater), Peepers is called ピーパーズ隊長 Pīpāzu taichō (meaning Commander Peepers), Westley is called ウェスリー Wesurī, the Watchdogs are called ウォッチドッグ Wotchidoggu, Emperor Awesome is オーサム皇帝 Ōsamu kōtei (Emperor Awesome), Brad Starlight is called ブラッド·スターライト Buraddo Sutāraito, and so on.

South Korea[]

In South Korea, Disney Channel airs the series from January 8, 2014. It's titled "완다가 간다" (Wander is Coming). The name of the characters has been changed little bit, like Wander (완더) become 'Wanda (완다)' to rhyme with the word 'Ganda (간다; coming)'. Also, Lord Hater and Commander Peepers become the Hater the villain (악당 헤이터; Akdang Hater), and Admiral Peepers (피퍼스 장군; Peepers Janggun).


In Taiwan, the series' title is  "宇宙小奇兵" (Wander Of The Universe) and airs on Disney Channel.

Middle East[]


In Turkey, Disney XD and later Disney Channel airs the series titled "Uzaylı Vander" (Wander the Alien).


In Israel, the series' title is וונדר מציל את העולם (Wander Saves the World) and first aired on Disney Channel on September 1, 2014.


In Sub-Saharan Africa, the series airs on Disney XD.


United Kingdom

In The UK "Wander Over Yonder" Was Shown On Disney XD At 4:15pm and 8:30am Starting From Monday, March 10th, 2014


Main article: Bang Bang

In Albania, Bang Bang launched Wander Over Yonder on August 1, 2016. The local title is Shëtitësi i universit (Shëtitësi i vogël in promos).


In Bulgaria, the series premiered on Disney Channel. It's known as "Уондър"  (Wander).


In France, the show aired as a preview on December 10, 2013 on Disney Channel and officially premiered on January 7, 2014 on that channel. The title is simply "Wander". English is available as a secondary audio.


In Germany, Disney XD launched Wander Over Yonder on August 4, 2014. The local title is "Sie nannten ihn Wander".


In Russia, the show premiered on September 26, 2014 on Disney Channel with the title "C приветом по планетам"
(S privetom po planetam, With compliments across the planets ). In this version, most names have been localized (Wander-Tut i Tam, Hater-Zlyden', Peepers-Glyadelcins etc.)

The Netherlands[]

In the Netherlands and Belgium, the series is on both Disney Channel and Disney XD named "Wanders Wereld" (Wander's World). The names of a few characters have also been localized: Lord Hater and Commander Peepers becoming Heer Heethoofd (Lord Hothead) and Kommandant Knipoog (Commander Wink).



Country Channel(s) Language Title Website(s)
Canada Family Channel
Disney XD [4]
English Wander Over Yonder Family Channel
Disney XD
Latin America Disney Channel (preview/V.I.P.) [5]
Disney XD [6]
Spanish (Argentina) [7] Galaxia Wander
Wander Galaxy
Disney XD
Brazil Disney Channel (preview episode)
Disney XD
Portuguese (Brazil) Galáxia Wander
Wander Galaxy


Country Channel(s)  Language Title Website(s)
Japan Disney Channel Japanese なんだかんだワンダー
Nandakanda Wandâ
Somehow, Wander
Disney Channel
Malaysia Disney Channel English
Mandarin (Taiwan)
Wander Over Yonder
Yǔzhòu xiǎo qíbīng
Wander of the Universe
Disney Channel
South Korea Disney Channel Korean 완다가 간다
Wanda ga ganda
Wander Is Coming
Disney Channel
Taiwan Disney Channel Mandarin (Taiwan) 宇宙小奇兵
Yǔzhòu xiǎo qíbīng
Wander of the Universe
Disney Channel
The Philippines TV5 (Disney Club) Filipino Wander Over Yonder -

Middle East[]

Country Channel(s) Language Title Website(s)
Turkey Disney XD

Disney Channel

Turkish Uzaylı Vander
Wander the Alien
Disney XD

Disney Channel

Israel Disney Channel Hebrew וונדר מציל את העולם
Wander Matzil et HaOlam
Wander Saves the World
Disney Channel


Country Channel(s) Language Title Website(s)
South Africa Disney XD English Wander Over Yonder -


Country Channel(s) Language Title Website(s)
Albania Bang Bang Albanian Shëtitësi i universit
The Hiker of the Universe
Bulgaria Disney Channel Bulgarian Уондър
Disney Channel
Netherlands Disney Channel
Disney XD
Dutch Wanders Wereld
Wander's World
Disney Channel
Disney XD
France Disney Channel French Wander Disney Channel
Belgium Disney Channel Dutch
Wanders Wereld (Dutch)
Wander's World
Wander (French)
Disney Channel (Dutch)
Disney Channel (French)
Germany Disney XD German Sie nannten ihn Wander
They called him Wander
United Kingdom
Disney XD English Wander Over Yonder Disney XD
Czech Republic Disney Channel Czech Wander na cestách
Wander on the Go
Greece Disney XD Greek Οι Διαστημικές Περιπέτειες του Γουόντερ
Oi Diasti̱mikés Peripéteies tou Gouónter
The Space Adventures of Wander
Italy Disney XD Italian Wander Disney XD
Spain Disney XD
Disney Channel[8]
Spanish (Spain) Galaxia Wander
Wander Galaxy
Disney XD
Hungary Disney Channel Hungarian Wander, a galaktikus vándor
Wander, the Galactic Wanderer
Disney Channel
Romainia Disney Channel Romanian Hoinarul intergalactic
Intergalactic Wander
Disney Channel
Poland Disney XD Polish W tę i nazad
Wander, Here and Back
Disney XD
Denmark Disney Channel Danish Wander i galaksen
Wander in the Galaxy
Disney Channel
Norway Disney Channel Norwegian Wander i galaksen
Wander in the Galaxy
Disney Channel
Finland Disney Channel Finnish Wander maailmankaikkeudessa
Wander in the Universe
Disney Channel
Sweden Disney Channel Swedish Wander i galaxen
Wander in the Galaxy
Disney Channel
Disney Channel
Russian C приветом по планетам
S privetom po planetam
With compliments across the planets
З привітом по планетах
Z pryvitom po planetakh
With compliments across the planets
Disney Channel
Portugal Disney Channel Portuguese (Portugal) Galáxia Wander
Wander Galaxy
Disney Channel
Ukraine PlusPlus Ukrainian Вондер Тут і Там
Wander Here and There


Country Channel(s) Language Title Website(s)
Australia Disney XD English Wander Over Yonder -

Background Information[]

  • Albanian is one of the newest dubs, premiering August 1, 2016.
  • The Albanian, Romanian, and Russian versions are the only ones to localize Wander's name (excluding variants in different languages).
    • He is called Shëtitësi in Albanian, [9] which translates to "Hiker".
    • He is called Hoinarul in Romanian, which translates to "Wanderer".
    • He is called Тут и Там in Russian, which translates to "Here and There".
  • In the Bulgarian, French, and Italian versions, the show is just called "Wander".
  • Unlike other countries, in the title of the Russian version, the name of the protagonist is not present.
  • The Latin American, Brazilian, Danish, Japanese, and Korean versions are the only versions so far where Peepers is still called "Peepers".
  • The Turkish version is so far the only dub where the scats in the theme song aren't dubbed.

