Wander Over Yonder Wiki
Wander Over Yonder Wiki

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My name is Delilah. I was a normal girl who enjoyed traveling space with my brother, Wander and our best friend, Sylvia. I’m Wander’s adoptive sister so, I look human. But, I’m not.

My story starts on a distant planet where everyone was immortal. My life was okay, I had loving parents for the 110 years I was alive. My species has the ability to change the way they look for their age. It was a good life…...But, that was until “it” happened.

My planet was full of human-looking aliens and we all lived in peace. One day, a black hole formed and sucked my planet in. My parents sent me away in an escape pod. My escape pod landed in the backyard of Wander’s parents’ house. They took me in and I told Wander how I was immortal.

About a year after I was adopted by my parents, Wander and I started traveling. That’s when I decided to keep the look of a 16 year-old human. And that, my friends, is my story.

Wander, Sylvia and I were always helping out wherever we went. That’s just how we are. Every time we helped someone, it felt amazing. Every now and then I’d go off to do my own thing. But, only when I needed it. The thing was, that seemed always to be when all the good stuff happened.

About a year ago, Wander and Sylvia met a guy named Lord Hater. Sylvia didn’t seem to like him but, Wander, being himself, didn’t seem to mind him. Oh, I wanted to meet Lord Hater more than anything! He seemed so cool. And, if Wander likes him, how bad can the guy be?
