Wander Over Yonder Wiki
Wander Over Yonder Wiki
I'll call my new planet whatever I want! I'll call my new planet whatever I want!

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Sylvia: Ah, the annual Tetsuon Jellyfish Migration over the Statue of the Galactic Guru. Oh, it's supposed to be one of the most beautiful sights in the galaxy! Okay, up early. Just gotta make it a couple of blocks to here. Oh, what could go wrong?! Oh, right. Wander!

Wander: (Inhales) Gasp!

Sylvia: Yeah, that is a real nice hunk of plastic junk. But if you wanna see the real Statue of the Galactic Guru, we should probably...

Wander: (Inhales) Bigger gasp!

Sylvia: You know, the actual jellyfish migration might be more...

Wander: (Inhales) Biggest gasp possible!

Sylvia: Sigh.

(Cut to Wander looking at various things and exclaiming with Sylvia standing next to him with a deadpan expression. Cut to her as the day is shown passing behind her)

Sylvia: Can we please not stop for every little thing? We're gonna be late-er than we already are. (Cut to Wander looking at something through the glass) Wander. Wander! Wander, what are you looking at?

Wander: Kitties. Sylvia, Sylvia, Sylvia. I want this.

Sylvia: Since when are you into souvenirs?

Wander: This is different. I need it. Please, Sylvia. Please, please, please, please, please, please, pleeeeeaaaase? (Cut to Wander and Sylvia walking down the street, Wander stares at the souvenir that is now in his hands) This little thingamahoozit is great! Oh, my gosh, Sylvia, look! Kitty went into a sock and got stuck!

(Freeze-frame, title card appears)

Sylvia: Yeah, that's nice, pal, but I don't do cute. Come on.

Wander: Sylvia! Kitty is wearing little boots! Sylvia, now it has milk all over its 'ittle face. Sylvia, the kitty is dancing now! Oh, babycakes, you really are the most amazing kitty in the galaxy!

Sylvia: Ugh. Tell me, what is so amazing about cats being bad at stuff? Wander? Huh. (She points behind them) Hey, look at that! (She points in front of them) Whoa, I think that guy needs help! Huh. Wow, thanks, kitty. We'll be at the Statue of the Galactic Guru in no time. (She stops next to a traffic light, waiting for it to turn green; Wander keeps walking and crosses the road) Wander, no! (She runs after him) Hey, we're not supposed to be walking here. (She crosses the road and catches her breath) Wander.

Wander: Ooh, ooh! (Sits in a box) Who's in the box? Youse in the box.

Sylvia: No! Wander! Rassafrassin' thingamahoozit. Rassafrassin' cat videos. Rassafassin' thingamahoozit way cat videos.

Wander: (in the vending machine) Oh, BabyCakes, the predicaments you get yourself in.

Sylvia: We're gonna miss the sunset. Hold on, Wander!

(Sylvia runs then jumps and dodges the obstacles while getting Wander safely to the sunset, cut to scene where the kitty runs and spins, pounces then fails, then spins on the fan; knocks over a pile of cans, and finally watches the fish in a fishbowl)

Sylvia: W-whoa! Hold on there steady! (She lifts down the phone, revealing that the sun has finally set) Wander! You missed the whole thing!

(Sylvia snatches the phone away. Wander reacts like a cat, meows, hisses and tries to pounce on Sylvia. Sylvia grabs him with her tail, making him calm down)

Sylvia: Man, what is with these videos anyway?

Kitty: Meow!

(The scene makes the dramatic effect zooming in on the cat's face, close up as dramatic music plays, revealing to be Little Bits' sad cute eyes)

Sylvia: Oh, no, I'd know those big gloopy eyes anywhere. Lil' Bits! The most ruthless mercenary in the galaxy.

(Cut to Wander acting like a cat)

Sylvia: Oh, this is bad. Who else has seen these?

(Suddenly everyone in the planet is hypnotized by Little Bits' cat videos, making them all over the world, with merchandise, screens, etc.)

News Reporter: This just in. Breaking news. BabyCakes is the cutest kitty in the whole galaxy. If you don't love this adorable cat more than anything else in life, you probably have no soul, and I want to destroy you. I mean, just look at her lil' face. Meow. Aww! Show your love for BabyCakes by prostrating yourself before her and giving her all your riches. I know I will. (Greedy laughter) BabyCakes!

Wander: (purring) Meow.

Sylvia: All right, ya Lil Bits, where are ya?

(Cut to a tower with a sign at the entrance, which reads "Baby Cakes Studios". It zooms out to reveal being surrounded with dozens of screens which show a video of Little Bits.)

Sylvia: Not sure how I missed that.

(Little Bits sneezes)

Jellyfish: Awww! (all hold their money bags up)

Little Bits: Making twese videos is so inswulting to my intewwigence. (She walks away and grabs her robe, then hops on her stool, pours milk and licks it in a fancy manner) But it'll all be worth it when the gawaxy is undah my contwol! No one can wesist my cuteness. (Laughs evilly, suddenly Sylvia opens the door)

Sylvia: Wong! (She shakes her head) I mean, wrong!

Wander: (Gasps) BabyCakes!

Little Bits: Wewll, if it isn't Wander and Tylvia. This is wowking out even bettah than I pwannthed.

Sylvia: Wunnin' scams--running scams seems stwange, seems strange for a bounty huntah-- hunter! (groans) What's the angle, Bits?

Little Bits: I saw an opportunity, and I took it. This is way more pwofitable. And now, on top of all my witzes, and gawaxy-wide dwomination, I can also have my wevenge on the two of you!

Sylvia: We won't wet you get away with this, will we, Wander-- D'oh!

Wander: BabyCakes, I love you. (Takes a selfie with Little Bits)

Little Bits: That's wight, Wandah. Just give in, Sylvia, and pwostrate yourself before me wike ev'wybody elth!

Sylvia: Th'orry. (Groans, then drops phone on the ground, when suddenly it breaks.)

Wander: (Breaks out of trance) Huh--I--wha?

Sylvia: I don't do cute.

Little Bits: Too wate. I've gone viwal. Oh, are you gonna beat up the gawaxy's favowite kitty...wive on cam'wa? (Blinks her eyes twice, then quickly takes her robe off and walks away. Cut to Little Bits rolling her back on the sofa)

Jellyfish: Aww!

Sylvia: No! No way is she gettin' away with this. Okay, everybody, listen up! I know you think this is the cutest kitty in the galaxy, but she's really a greedy swindler controlling all of you with these videos for her own profit!

(The jellyfish boo at Sylvia)

Sylvia: I mean it! You have to fight back! Look away from the screens! She's brainwashing you with her--- Waah! No! Yes!

(Her head falls in Little Bits' litterbox, cut to Little Bits snickering at Sylvia, then cut to the Jellyfish laughing as they break out of the trance, Sylvia's face shows up on many screens, Little Bits is shocked at when Sylvia gets more attention and she spits out the litterdust and smiles; Wander breaks out of the trance as well.)

Wander: Sylvia, are you okay?

Sylvia: I'm fine. Wander, whatever you do, keep those cameras rolling!

(Wander salutes her and gets behind a camera. Music starts playing as the screens in the city change back and forth to show either Sylvia or Little Bits as the two compete with each other: Sylvia tries to be funny while Little Bits tries to be cute. The latter entrances Wander and the citizens, while the former breaks the citizens' trance by making them laugh. Eventually Sylvia wins, with color of the LCDs change from pink to cyan. The citizens are shown laughing and start chanting her name)

Jellyfish: Sylvia! Sylvia! Sylvia! Sylvia! Sylvia!

(Sylvia gets out of the hole that she made by breaking the floor of the upper room, looking hurt. Wander runs up to her and hugs her)

Wander: Sylvia, you saved us! I don't know from exactly what, but you did it!

Sylvia: Nah, it was... ow... it was nothing, really. Don't even... ow... mention it.

Little Bits: I'll get my wevenge on you, Wander and Sylvia! You haven't seen the wast of me!

(Wander and Sylvia walk out of the building and are greeted by the citizens as they cheer. Some of them hold up posters of Sylvia. Sylvia bows)

Jellyfish: Yeah! Yeah! Do the one where you fell down! (Wander makes an orbble bubble around himself and Sylvia and float away) Sylvia, Sylvia, Sylvia, Sylvia!

(Suddenly, they get interrupted as one of the citizens pulls up a device with another video)

Jellyfish 1: Hey, look at this video of a turtle eating a pancake! (All the screens change to show the turtle eating a pancake tower instead of Sylvia; the LCDs change from cyan to yellow)

Jellyfish: Turtle, turtle, turtle, turtle, turtle!

(Cross-fade to Wander and Sylvia. Wander looks down sadly, then sighs as Sylvia looks at him)

Wander: I guess I missed the jellyfish migration, didn't I? I really wanted to see that.

(Sylvia looks in front of them and smiles)

Sylvia: Maybe not.

(Wander looks in the same direction as her. The camera zooms out to show a jellyfish migration in all its glory. Wander and Sylvia walk alongside the jellyfish)

Wander: It's even more beautiful than I thought it would be! Let's post a selfie!

Sylvia: Dugh, no! No more flab-drassin' useless gizmos!

Wander: Imaginary memory selfie! (He pretends to hold a camera and to take picture) Ka-chee! (Wander and Sylvia look at each other and smile)

Sylvia: Oh, that's a keeper, all right. (They wander off into the distance)

(Cut to black.)
